
Marina del Rey Film Festival: Best Supporting Actress
Rebekka Mueller wins “Best Supporting Actress Short Film” at the Marina del Rey Film Festival 2024. She won for her portrayal as Whitey’s girlfriend Anna in “Whitey on the Run”.

Back to One
The command “back to one” also known as “back to first” or “reset” describes the action of cast and crew going back to the top of the scene.

Pilot Season is almost over
Historically, TV studios and production studios are busy producing pilots for new TV series from January till April. These sample episodes are streamed with major
News – I heard it through the grapevine
Newspapers are the primary source of information for actress Rebekka Mueller but there is more. She starts her day with reading online news and blogs every morning. Information is news in action. Rebekka Mueller, while being a student, worked for newspapers, radio and TV stations. Before the German-American actress become a full-time actor and producer, she has worked as a public relation agent.
The Love for Information
Writing about acting is therefore very important for Rebekka Mueller. She loves reading industry news in her “The Hollywood Reporter” and “Variety” whenever she can. She has even subscribed to these magazines annually. Her old habit of informing people is still there, so she writes for her audience. Back in the days she wrote and broadcasted over local topics. Now you learn everything about what is entertainment industry related. More actors should write a blog. But not only to showcase their talent but to entertain. There are so many good stories in Hollywood.
WordPress makes writing news easy
A new booking, a fresh cornerstone on the actress’s resume or a new clip in her acting-reel: her info is versatile. The actress Rebekka Mueller writes about her experience in Hollywood because she wants to share. Her fans like to hear about her new achievements but lots of people want more. They want to hear about the Larry Weinstein process or the newest film starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Rebekka offers lots of thrilling topics in her news. Writing a blog is very important to Rebekka. The new site makes it so much easier for her. There is a little Easter egg. Rebekka’s favorite cat is her cat Salem, so he is her first fun post in her blog. From time to time you will read news about Salem on other pages of her website.